Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Signs of God’s Future (Part III 09-15-15)

Not every Christian believes in some of the popularized Christian notions of an eternal lake of fire, the annihilation of all creation (rather than purification by fire), etc. But in closing (and perhaps this is the place we should start with some individuals) here are some ways you can suggest to your friend that she might sense, in N.T. Wright’s memorable phrase, “echoes of a voice.” This voice speaks about the way the world should be.

3. Community: Like justice and beauty, relationship—the longing for community—is an “echo of a voice.” And, like beauty and justice, relationships are not uncomplicated. Indeed, they are perhaps one of the most complicated features of being human. But this is also an echo. We were created for each other, to live for something beyond ourselves.

There is a deep longing in the human heart to know and be known. This is confused with lust and sex. People end up exploited and broken, but the longing for true love—the love and be loved—is undeniable, and points toward a reality that, once again, lives just out of reach.

Much more could be said about all three of these categories, whether through public speaking, lecture, small group or one-to-one conversation, about the way the world ought to be. This sense of how the world ought to be is a sign of the eternal that God has placed in every heart.

Intuitively we know that humanity has a destiny; that we were created for more than our own selfish pleasure. This intuition is an opportunity to introduce people to what the Bible says God has in mind for creation, a plan to restore God’s whole creation to its original beauty and to eradicate sin and pain and brokenness once and for all.

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