Friday, February 5, 2016

The Marks of a Jesus Follower part I (02-08-15)

What kind of behavior do followers of Jesus exhibit? How do people act who are truly following Jesus?

1. They “give up their lives” for others. 
What does that mean? Must you literally die to give your life for a person?

No. John is describing Jesus’ way of life, a willingness to live out the fullness of Himself by unselfish giving. Long before Jesus hung on the cross He had already given up His life for people.

He willingly crossed national, religious, ethnic and social barriers to bring healing and help to powerless, hurting, and marginalized people.

He willingly stained his reputation by associating with “sinners,” people considered to be under God’s judgment because of their lifestyle or failures.

He ate meals with anybody who was interested, high and low, “in” and “out,” famous and infamous, the successful and the losers.

He showed the value and worth of women, children, the chronically ill, the disabled, and ethnic minorities.

He regularly interrupted his busy and strategic schedule to pay attention to people in need. He refused to kick off of his leadership team those whom he knew would fail him miserably.

Jesus “gave up his life” boldly, creatively and extravagantly over and over again long before he went to the cross. That, too, writes John the disciple, is what Jesus’ followers do.

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