Thursday, November 13, 2014

Methods of Prayer in a Small Group

“If you are having trouble, you should pray. And if you are feeling good, you should sing praises.” (James 5:13, CEV)

There are many ways to pray in a small group. Some choose to take turns, following in order around a circle. Some may designate a beginning person and an ending person with anyone else praying as they desire. Another method is called conversational prayer, and can include both talking and singing. One way to do this is to have the leader or facilitator or a scribe write down requests as people mention them. The leader designates someone to offer the final prayer signaling the end of the prayer time. As the group bows in prayer, the leader starts praying a short prayer for one of the requests mentioned. Others add short prayers for that particular request claiming promises and praying for any aspect that comes to mind. When it seems right another person starts a short prayer for another request. Anyone can introduce the
next topic as prayer for the first seems to wind down. People pray randomly as things come to mind. Some may pray several times; some not at all. Pray as the Holy Spirit brings things to mind. Feel free to sing songs during the prayer. Everyone will join the singing. Continue praying until all the items have been covered. The person designated to close will offer a short final prayer.

There are even materials available for small groups which explore different ways to pray, such as using art, writing poetry, or lighting candles to represent the brightness of God’s presence, or to represent that we are holding someone in God’s light.

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