Friday, October 10, 2014

Room for Interpretation

Almost all Christian churches base their beliefs on the Bible to a greater or lesser extent. No one says, “Oh, we just do that because it seems appropriate. It’s not Biblical, at all.” So all churches believe that what they do is based on Bible principles. They simply interpret the Bible differently than do others. How much room is there for different interpretations?

There are many differing doctrines between denominations, and all of them, even the opposing ones, are based on the Bible. So how are you supposed to sift through all of these? And does it matter which ones you choose? If they are all based on the Bible, what does it matter anyway? Is it possible for all of them to be right? There are many contradictory doctrines held by various denominations, far too many to list here and now.

Logically, two doctrines that contradict each other cannot both be right. Jesus cannot come with trumpets and shouts that wake the dead and also come silently and sneak His people o! the earth. We cannot go immediately to heaven or hell when we die and also rest in our graves until the resurrection. It is not possible for both to be true. Therefore one doctrine must be mistaken. But how is that possible when both are based on the Bible? How can you tell which is right and which is wrong? How can you tell if they are both wrong?

It is possible to misinterpret a verse in the Bible. Many people have done it in the past. It can happen with the best intentions. How can we, being fallible human beings, know which interpretations are right, which are wrong, and which hold some truth but confuse the total picture?

The only way to find the truth is by study. It is easy to jump to a conclusion based on one text, but when you take all of the texts that pertain to a topic, lay them all out and examine them, only then can you discern the pattern of God’s truth. Two or three texts might seem to point in one direction, but when you gather all of the texts a more detailed picture is revealed.

So how much wiggle room do we have for different interpretations? Well, we are all human and therefore fallible. We would be hypocritical indeed if we looked down on other Christians who also base their beliefs on the Bible, but have not studied all the texts for ourselves. The Bible warns us, “Do not be carried away by varied and strange teachings.” (Hebrews 13:9) You will undoubtedly be introduced to all kinds of exciting ideas with new appeal, but there is only one truth. We are closest to that truth when we carefully study all of Scripture on the topic. However, it is only by grace alone that we are saved, and it is only by His grace that we have the luxury and ability to study His Word. We must never forget that and get cocky and aloof with other people who believe differently. Nor should we be easily swayed by new teachings. We must demand proof, test that proof and think seriously about our beliefs.

In finding a church, does it not make sense to find a church that does the same? To move ahead clearly in your walk with Jesus it is important to find a church that carefully studies the Bible and does not easily accept either traditional positions or new views on important topics.

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