Thursday, October 9, 2014

The Bible: A Safe Bet

As followers of Jesus the Bible is our primary communication from God. However, not all Christians and churches take the Bible literally. Some say it is highly symbolic, with broad ideals and parables, but not to be taken as a straight-forward document. For our purposes here it is important to note that if a church takes a high view of Scripture it will encourage its members to study the Bible themselves and use the Bible in making practical decisions in their own lives and in the life of the congregation.

It is a mistake for a church to make Bible study so mysterious that it is of no use to the believer. For example, if the Ten Commandments were not meant to be taken literally, but are simply social codes that helped to smooth the living conditions of a large number of people living together, then are Christians to conclude that stealing is not wrong?

If Jesus was simply a “good man” as many people claim, then what difference does He make to humanity? Why should we even consider being Christians? Such an approach to the story of Jesus in the Bible leaves us with only two options and both of them suggest an existence that is pointless. If Jesus claimed to be the Son of God when, in fact, He was not, then either He was deluded or He was lying. What kind of universe is it that has a God who is delusional or one who lies to us on such basic matters? What sense does it make to be part of a Christian church and then cut the foundation out from under that faith by an approach to the Bible that nullifies it as the Word of God?

If Jesus did not die for our sins, then the hope that pervades the entire Bible is a hoax and we can have no confidence that there will be anything beyond this life at all. If the claim that Jesus died for our sins is a lie and we claim to believe that Jesus existed and that there is a God, then we have no proof that God is good in any way, because we have already been lied to on a very large count!

The Christian life does not guarantee us “the most” out of life on earth. It involves sacrificing, putting others ahead of ourselves and fighting our baser desires. If we are simply on this earth to live once; if God doesn’t really love us like His children, but instead has a distant interest in us (like a person with an ant farm); then there is no reason to live by principles of compassion and justice. We might as well take whatever we can for ourselves before we die. Why not just look out for Number One and make the most for ourselves? In fact, with ground cut out from under us, why bother with life? Suicide or slow self-destruction both become logical alternatives.

The Bible must be taken as the Word of God or else all hope is gone, all humanity disappears. As Christians who have experienced God, who know that God exists and cares for us, how can we set aside the Bible and only take the parts to our liking? If this is God’s Word, then we must take it seriously and do our best to follow “all that I have taught you.” (Matthew 28:20)

If we are going to take the Bible seriously and believe it to be the straight-forward Word of God and not some kind of fantasy, then we must find a church that does the same thing! Basing our faith just on our own ideas ignores the will of God. But when we base our beliefs on the Bible as the Word of God, we are allowing God to speak to us and to shape our lives.

Therefore, in our search for a church, finding a church that follows the Bible, studies the Bible, respects the Bible and accepts it as the true Word of God is of utmost importance. Nothing can be more fundamental than finding a church that brings us closer to God by helping us to hear Him through Scripture.

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