Thursday, July 2, 2015

Why am I Here? Conclusion

So what is your life purpose? If you haven’t ever articulated it specifically (like writing it down in sentence), what would your current and past behaviors indicate is your life purpose? What is our example revealing about your true purpose?

Is your current purpose worth living and dying for? Is it something that is bringing service and compassion to people? Are you making a positive difference in this world with your current purpose? Or do you need to re-evaluate your purpose? Do you need one that brings you into harmony and alignment with the highest energy of the Universe, divine love?

What do you bring to your life purpose that empowers you to live it out well? Do you know yourself? Is your identity clear? Is your identity based upon something that transcends your own ups and downs and other people’s opinions of you? Is your identity in harmony with God’s view of you?

Is your purpose clear enough and compelling enough so that when you get to the end of your life you and others will know if you’ve lived it out faithfully and effectively? Are you on purpose enough to face the end with no regrets?

An unusual and tragic situation once took place in a hospital overseas. Every Friday morning a patient would die in the same bed at the hospital regardless of the exact medical condition. The whole staff was absolutely puzzled and mortified. Some even began to believe it had to do with the supernatural.

So the doctors finally decided to go down to the ward on the next Friday and watch carefully. Friday morning came. The doctors and nurses were in the room with eagle eyes. Nothing. Everything was normal for a Friday morning. The cleaning crew came in for their regular weekly cleaning of the room. And then the staff saw it. One of the cleaning crew unplugged the life support machine so she could plug in the vacuum cleaner. This poor woman had no idea what she was doing. She was so caught up in her own little world of work that she missed the big picture and people were dying because of her narrow perspective.

What a tragic way to live, being so self-absorbed that we never see how we’re impacting others. We are here on this planet for a reason. We are each wired differently and uniquely to live out our purposes as effectively as possible. Our highest calling is to love and serve unselfishly in ways that bless life not detract from it. And our deepest satisfaction and fulfillment come from living out that purpose faithfully.

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